Phil Helmuth

Philipp Jerome Helmuth Jr. is a professional American poker player who has a net worth of $20 million. Madison, Wisconsin, was his birthplace on July 16, 1964. An American millionaire who made his fortune at the World Series of Poker, better known as the Poker Brat. Those keyed into the idea of playing online casino games for real money will surely already know his name!

This world-renowned Poker player stands 6’7 tall, and his personality is just as big as his physical appearance. As he once said, “If luck weren’t involved, then I’d win every single hand.” He also revolutionized the way to play Texas Hold ’em, living up to his nickname with his bratty quirks.

Career in gambling

As a teenager, Hellmuth became hooked on poker after playing it in a friend’s room for the first time. His first game was a high stake local game played among doctors, professors, and people from business. Phil built up a considerable bankroll before heading to Las Vegas to become a professional poker player.

In the end, his continual perseverance paid off, and he won his first cash game after nine consecutive losses with some low stake cash games. After that, his career skyrocketed, and when it comes to poker, nothing is more exciting than the World Series, where Phil Helmuth has won a record-breaking 15 bracelets.

In 2018, he won $485,000 in a No Limit Hold ’em game, not bad for a day’s work, especially when he was considering sitting out the game.

Raising money for Charity

In poker, Philipp Helmuth is a true legend, but he is also so much more. He is also charitable. In addition to his charity poker events, he has organized fundraisers for Ante Up For Africa, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Eva Longoria’s Eva’s Heroes and many others. Whether you’re a poker legend or into real money online roulette , there is always time for charity and helping others if fortune is on your side.

Hellmuth has now raised $54 Million for charity. $1.7 M from the Chicago charity tourney in November and $1.5 M from the Clinton Foundation tournament.